Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt.

The church had it's annual Easter egg hunt and this year it was a little more exciting since she has went out on her own to look for eggs. She really enjoyed herself and once she realized that the eggs had candy in them was just picking up the eggs, getting the candy out and throwing the eggs back down. She definitely takes after her mother on that one!
She got soaking wet in the duck pond. I couldn't keep her out of it.
These are the shoes that started it all. I now know what i have to look forward to in a few years. Mitch and I were at the Gap recently and I thought they were cute so I asked Addie Blaire to try them on that was mistake #1 because she loved them and wouldn't take them off. Mitch and I didn't know what to do to avoid the tantrum that was about to set in, so he told me just to buy them. Well she can barely walk in them because she doesn't know how to keep them on her feet and still she refuses to take them off. What can I say the girl likes her bling!

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