I am really behind but the past few weeks have been a little crazy with work, and the holidays! I have been trying to complete my shopping while decorating our condo all over again. I must say that I will probably never build a house, I never knew all the decisions that had to be made and it is was more than I can handle right now. I have no idea how this place is going to look when we are done! I had the hardest time taking pictures this year because Addie Blaire has had her 1st ear infection and we couldn't get outside to take any pictures because it has been so cold! So Mitch and I decided to line her up in front of our kitchen wall and take some pictures. She is not really into standing in one place these days so we came up with the idea to tell her to go touch the wall and turn around. When she turned around I was waiting there to take the picture. The trick was that Mitch had to actually race her to the wall to get her to chase him and then he had to jump out of the way so I could take the pictures. It was really hilarious actually. I am sure it would have been much funnier to send out the video of us trying to take the picture vs. the actual pics. Here are a few of my favorites:
We started out in front of this window, I can't imagine why we had to switch the setting of the picture. Could it be the extradorinary dirty window in the background with all the handprints?!
I did make this tutu also it was quite full!! She had a little trouble walking around in this one so I had to cut it off after the pics.
She was getting so tickled with herself and all the craziness because Zoe kept getting in the way and I was having to hold her down while I took the pictures with one hand. (pretty talented I know.)

This was my favorite picture, I wish it had been a little bigger on the actual card because she was so happy in this one and on the card it is so small you can't really see it well. She is doing "the Mitch" as my dad calls it. She gets really excited and starting shaking her hands. It is something that Mitch, Addie Blaire, Mason, and even Mitch's grandfather all do. It is too cute!

I think that this picture was pretty cool because she was checking herself out and she couldn't get over seeing herself. She likes to check herself out, (she gets that from her dad i guess!!)

My sweet little elf! Thanks to Nana for the extra cute hat! Addie actually it getting so used to the hats these days that she wears them all the time at home.
I decided this year to break down and buy the inflatable "ho, ho" as Addie Blaire calls him. My sister has given me a little grief over this guy, but I just tell her it is amazing the things I said I would never do that I am doing all for the sake of this little girl.
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