Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ending Summer with A Bang!

What is summer without ice cream and lots of water? WE made sure to end the summer with both every chance we got. B and her friends never stopped soaking up summer while AB was working. She managed to have a bit of fun in between dance camp and volleyball camps all summer long!

B is really getting the surfing thing down....

AB Junior Year Dance Pics

And even little B kicked off her 7th grade volleyball year!

Dance camp...they just love it!
And this year, for the first time, B tried out for competition dance and made the team.  She will be competing this year in several competitions around the state.  I know this will help her grow as a dancer!

Just a little silly business with friends!

While AB was at volleyball camp in Fayetteville I got time to catch up with my ole pal Renee and do a little shopping.

Junior Year Volleyball Pics

Date night for mom and dad!
And more lake time...we really do love it.  I think I am happiest when it is just us for on a sunset cruise...no better place I would rather be!

Soaking up the moments with these girls and the dog...they do love each other!

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