Tuesday, August 20, 2024

16th Bday Party!

The girls decided to have a party together this year so we could invite all their friends. We rented out Arc Isle on the lake for a night of games, water balloons, a slip-and-slide, food, music, and, of course, cake. The kids had a great time hanging out, and we got some pretty cool pics as well!
But first a little look down memory lane at birthdays past....

The volleyball girls all came to support!
And so did the dance team...she loves her people big!
The whole crew...we had over 60 kids come that night to celebrate the girls.  What a fun memory on the lake with this crew!  
And a few more camp pics for B....

Plus, she and Nora got to play the role of trick-or-treaters in an upcoming movie that was filmed in Hot Springs.  Pretty cool experience for these two!
Ready for their debut!

With the lead actress!
and on set....
Nothing better.
Happy Father's Day to this guy...he deserves all the hot dogs and hamburgers for putting up with our crew!

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