Saturday, June 20, 2015

12 years...and a Mother's Day that made this heart happy!!

I can't believe it has been 12 years!!  I mean it seems just like yesterday that the two of us were standing at the altar.  But through it all two kids and more memories good and bad I can count we have made it and come out even stronger to this day.  This year I  wanted to simply spend the weekend with my husband no kids, no plans just simply visit.  So we headed out on Friday to Dallas for a weekend of relaxation.  We had a great time, stayed at the Omni hotel and had the most wonderful dinners.  We even laid by a pool and just rested...which NEVER happens!
The next day...just to test how strong this bond was we did the Urban Dare race with a few other couples.  It was meant to be like the amazing race where we run all over downtown Dallas looking for points of reference for the clues we had been given.  Most stops involved us taking a picture with our partner at each stop as proof we both made it.  It was so hot that day that we were red faced, sweaty and exhausted when it was all over but as a team we did awesome.  We finished 4th out of 100 teams...I would say that was pretty good for some small town folks in the big city.  Our team name was 2BO...get it?!!

the clues we had to work the time we were done we had gone over 4 miles all over downtown and completed 12 dares. 
I had to propose marriage to a total stranger on the street...
pose in front of this restaurant...
find a frog at the Perot museum...
find Rosa Parks on a bench...
find this famous eatery...
get a complete stranger to do a cartwheel...
take a pic in front of this hotel...
find this sculpture...which was tricky considering Dallas has four of them.
but after it was all done our marriage survived..although the three legged race we had to do almost did us in.  Our team stayed strong...

That night after all the exercise Mitch and I decided on this restaurant in Clyde Warren Park and it was delish!!  I would recommend to anyone so much so that I even took a picture or our food to prove it!

the most wonderful Brussels sprouts ever...
Mitch's dish, I have no idea what that meat was all I no is that macaroni and cheese was by far the best thing I have EVER had in my life!!!
Me and my guy on the big town...we even had a first together that night it was our first Uber experience and I must say I was impressed!  Probably won't do that in our small town anytime soon but it was pretty cool.
At least we didn't have to worry about the kiddos they were having the time of their lives playing with baby June and Lila.
The next weekend was Train Day and the girls and I  took part in a little bit of it all.  They did a kid's run...
and boy did they run.  Even little B never stopped those little legs just kept going!
AB left us in the dust!!

The girls with their finish line whistles!
 They had all kinds of activities for the kids including a graffiti train,
a real train,

and a bubble college.

My little firefighter
and train conductors.
The next week we were deep into softball and tee ball with both girls having several games a week.  I feel like the next couple of weeks minus all the rain we were on the tball fields.  AB even played in her very first tournament. 

The girls with cousin Katie Ella
 Ready for that 37 mph pitching machine.  I couldn't believe how brave this kiddo was considering all she has ever played was tball (off the tee) and straight to this ball flying at her so fast.  She did great and had some good hits each and every game.
 AB and her friend/competition Emma
 B was so excited on Mother's day morning to present me with the gift she had made me at school.  She had even wrapped it for me.  It was a beautiful hand print she made especially for me.  She always knows the perfect gift for mom!
 We spent mother's day in Arkadelphia with my parents at their church.  It was my first time back at my home church in several years and it is amazing how much it has changed.  But first the all the girls had made Nana a present several months before and waited til just the right time to give it to her.  She loved it or at least I think she did I'm pretty sure the tears flowing down her face were the evidence I know that to be true!  The girls made her their very own garden of flowers.
At church they gave each of the girls their very own carnation flower... they thought that was so neat.
All of my favorites mothers in my life and all the girls that make it so special.  I guess you never know what God has in store but I won't change a thing to be surrounded by all these beautiful Fowler girls!

we even let the boys in for a picture...
I hope that it is all these special moments in between that I will remember because they bring the most joy and laughter!!
 A little mother's day tea...
May your mother's day have overflowed with all the love and joy that a child gives and all the love only a mother can provide!

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