Sunday, April 5, 2015

Little Rock MARATHON..and ME (oh my!)

I can't believe it I am actually running my first FULL marathon.  I have talked about it since the others did their first full but after 4 half's I was ready to give it a try.  And this board at the expo made it official when I stepped over the line.  After months of training and getting up at 4:30AM people on my Saturdays (and that is saying a lot) training on treadmills for 20 mile runs the time has finally come!!  I can check it off my list now..but don't buy any stickers for the car yet wait to see if it actually happens..and that it did.  It was only complicated by the fact that it rained the ENTIRE 26 miles!!  So my poncho (that split by the way, which is why it is belted around me like a dork) was needed more than ever.  It made for a much slower run and very miserable conditions but because of the fun loving group I had to support me I would do it again (but don't quote me on that)  So proud of myself for this accomplishment and for the time it took to train but equally proud that my family was there with me every step of the way!!!  Happy happy day!

 My little support crew at the expo
 Team Hope ready for action
 my sweet to stand in the rain and, dad, bracy, Terri, my aunt Bettye and uncle Art and all the kiddos...brought tears to my eyes when I say them..or maybe that was tears of pain but either way so, so happy my heart!

 just 22.7 more to problem!
 A little couch time..all this work and no play makes 26 miles so boring.
 The governor's mansion mile 8
 Central High..
 The capitol..mile 8 or so..
 Mile 14..stopped to walk on the way up that crazy Kavanagh hill...

 The whole family camped out and patiently waiting.
 running to my sweet husband who kept up with me the whole way along with my aunt and uncle.
 Mile 11 at Central High
 Mile 17 meet up with my precious family!
 Mile 21 on the way back..
 Mile 22...oh where is that finish line?
 the part of the crew at 22..everyone was starting to break down at this point.
 and the finish crew waiting for me!!  Although to my disappointment the metals didn't make it in on time so this shrink dink as my husband said was all I got.  And to the think the whole reason I chose this full was for the metal!!  but don't you worry when it does come in I will be posting pics.. I earned it! my aunt Bettye and Art were parking the car and my parents stayed at the house with baby June.
 The next weekend we had a girls weekend with Payton and went for ice cream and toes.. much needed!

 My event BBB was next after a week of rescheduling due to you guessed it..the weather!!  It was a lot of fun down on the bayou..with alligators, bands, musicians and a few Duck Decoys too!

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