Thursday, March 13, 2014

Red River NM 2014...our first family ski trip!

I can't believe it but we actually did it this year...we went skiing!!  We have been asked for several years to go with a group from our area skiing in Red River, NM but we couldn't make ourselves commit.  I will admit for those that know us that it was a little last minute even this year for us to commit but we did it!!  Mitch and I hadn't been skiing in probably close to 20 YEARS!!  That is a long time people... so we were both a little nervous about committing plus AB wasn't so sure she wanted to go.  I think in her mind we were going to send her down the mountain just flying along and that had her completely freaked out.  She still felt that way going there and was telling anyone that would listen that she was only going because her mom wanted her glad this story has a happy ending because otherwise I was going to feel real bad if she got there and hated it!  Little B was asked if she wanted to go but her other option was staying with Nana, Pop and Lila so for some crazy reason she opted to stay home.  I will say that it would have been a rough 13 hour trip on her and on top of that she was not old enough for ski school so she would have spent the rest of the trip in the daycare which I don't think she would have enjoyed much either.  It was such a weird feeling as we pulled out that morning without her in tow, but knowing she was so happy to be hanging out with Nana and Pop made me feel so much better.  This post is compiled of all the pictures I took from the trip, along with all the pictures Nana took while we were away.  So this post maybe a little confusing at times but I wanted to inlcude all of our activities for the week and Little B is a big part of that whether she was with us or not.  My mom sent me pictures of B everyday so I could see what she was up to. She even had a field trip on Wednesday with her preschool that Nana took her on and since I was so sad to miss it you will notice they took lots of pics!  So on to Red River we go...the trip was a rough one getting down there we left out at 9 that morning and didn't pull into Red River until 9 that night and that is even with a time change.  Long day of driving and making bracelets for me and AB while daddy was at the wheel.  Pretty uneventful too...nothing in west Texas to look at (but she does know all about windmills these days.)  Once we arrived to town we were starving because we had been promising AB we would stop to eat as soon as we got there..well tip to any travelers headed that before you get there!!  We pulled into town at 8:45 and could not find a single restaurant, gas station, grocery store, or just random stranger that would feed us.  I didn't know what to we went on to the hotel to check in and luckily we had been on the phone with the nice man at the front desk and when we arrived he had three frozen meals sitting on the counter.  Not really the vacation food I was craving but it made for an interesting start to our getaway.   And thus begins another adventure...

Yum, yum!! (luckily for me he was a vegetarian so I actually really enjoyed mine!)
Up and at em' bright and early the next morning.
Still a little unsure of all that she is trying to take in on this adventure and pretty amazed by all the mountains for a girl from the flat lands. 
All decked out from head to toe and ready to seize those mountains...or something like that.
All ready for ski school day 1!!!! 
How cute are these kiddos...this was one of my favorite parts was seeing them all file out in their gear like little eskimos.
It's hard work for these kiddos...gosh, it's even hard for the parents toting all that stuff around.
AB's first trip on the magic carpet up the slope. 
B and Nana watching the program on her field trip that Wednesday. 
Some of the pics are a little blurry but mom did the best she could trying to keep me in the loop since I couldn't be there.  B and Mrs. that woman.

All the little superheroes taking it all in..
B and her buddies from school.
I guess this is where she got the "tootie ta" dance down...because she hasn't stopped doing it since we returned home!
Back on the you can tell there hadn't been much snow for a while so all the surrounding mountains were pretty clear but just as beautiful.  Meanwhile, since we returned they have now had several inches of fresh snow...leave it to us to change that!
I love this pic because you can see the town down at the valley of the mountain.
M and I had the best time getting to ski together.  I can honestly say that is the most one-on-one time the two of us have had together in years.  It was great to get to explore, laugh (sometimes more than others) and just hang out with one another.  We made a pretty good team by the end of the week. 
This was the view from our bedroom window.  It doesn't really do it justice because the mountain was so much prettier and we even had a beautiful little stream that flowed just out our back door.
The breakfast of champions...
Second day on the slopes...pretty good pictures considering I was on a set of skis (not very well btw) and it was taken with my phone...still not a pro like all the others with my little go pro thing on my helmet.  I would make someone sick if they tried to watch me down the mountain!!!
On top of the world with this guy!
Red River really is such a quaint little town nestled in between the mountains.
AB back at ski school for a second day and making a great deal of progress...just look at that wedge or pizza as we like to call it. She had an instructor named Banker Bob and he was a joy...she loved working with her and he was so patient and understanding.  This is a child who did not want to ski at all and ended the week loving it!
B and Pop making the rounds at Subway.
I had seen pictures in the past from the others that have been before of the deer and how they would come right up to you but I had no idea until I actually saw it with my own eyes how unbelievable that was.  There were tons of deer around our house and the kids were able to pet and feed them just right out the front door.  AB was a little shocked I think.

B and Pop did some major bonding that week.  They went to the farm, fed Blue Dog, played with baby dolls and even read them some books.
Nana said she was a great helper all week, helping cook, visit Grandma Bass and even clean up around the yard.  My little girl is growing up..can't wait til next year for her to join us!
The 3rd day of ski school and AB was ready to take on the big mountain.  She was a little hesitate after her first try with mom and dad which is to be understood.  You see, we attempted to take her down the mountain after the second day and she did great at first doing the "s" pattern and her pizza but then all of a sudden she pointed those skis straight downward and next thing I knew she was gone...flying down the mountain with Erin and I both on skis trying to catch her (not that I know what we would have done had we actually caught up to her)  anyways I am screaming "sit, pizza, sit on your booty, HELP!! anything that would get someones attention at the bottom of the mountain but to no avail.  Luckily, and this still gives me nightmares to this day btw, she sat about a foot before she hit the railing at the bottom.  It was by all accounts a little scary even for those experienced parents of skiers.  She learned a valuable lesson that day the power of a good derriere!!!!
B got to go to Little Rock to pick up L for a few days with Nana and Pop as well.  These two are nothing but trouble when they are together, they will rule the house for sure!! 
B even got to got to Aunt T's school and check out her classroom.  Can you tell she was a wee bit excited?!

What better way to celebrate a great day on the slopes then with a little ice cream.  This girl did such a good job on the mountain today that she came down all by herself for the first time.

but it looks like we weren't the only ones celebrating with some ice cream...these two little darlings were getting a taste of their own.  Can you tell B was missing us??..yeah, me neither!
Most of the crew (minus those that were down for illness or injury) out for dinner. We went to a very yummy Mexican restaurant, all that skiing makes a girl hungry!
These little ladies were apparently some egg crackin, egg huntin machines while we were gone!
AB and I took a break and did a little souvenir shopping one afternoon. 
Meanwhile, back at the farm these two were doing some good on those fields. Bet there were a few too many lap drivers and a few arguments over who took the wheel..
AB, Darby Kate, and Lilly headed up the mountain. I have a video but for some reason it refuses to load so this will have to do.  I couldn't believe they sent the kiddos up by themselves.  I guess that is one reason it is good not to have mommas around because that probably wouldn't have happened if I had been.

Ready to do it all over again.
Headed down...and as you can tell by the roof of the building below this is no bunny slope!
Looks like these two had a hard afternoon on the farm...I don't know what gave it away??  Love those cheeks!
The first time the three of us made it up the mountain together.  So exciting!!!
These two are ready to come back next year.  These was our last time and AB wanted to keep going...which is I guess a good time to leave so they want to come back again next year.
Our humble abode while we were there...all 7 bedrooms.  Made for some great memories with all 5 families that stayed together all week!!
On the way out that afternoon I was amazed by all we missed coming in because it was dark. I couldn't do any of it justice from my camera phone but I sure tried.
We spent the night half way and the next morning AB had herself a Texas sized waffle.  It was a joke the whole trip about how big Texas was because every time she asked where we were it was in Texas and when you consider the 13 hour drive and 90% of that in Texas that is saying a lot.
This is the best site I saw upon our return...I missed this little girl more than I can tell you.  I don't think she will be missing out on any trips like this in the future.  It was tough on us all, especially AB because she had never been away like that from her.  I never thought about it but it's true even if Mitch and I are away these two stay together.  I know how much we missed her but so glad she got to hang with Nana and Pop because I also know how much they enjoyed having her around.
And that is one more trip for the record books.  So glad to have gone and even more glad to be home with this little one.

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