Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beach 2013!!

 So another summer seems to come and go faster than I can blink an eye!  I just can't seem to make time stop long enough to keep these two little ladies from growing up on me.  But one place that always seems to give me that time to spend with my family uninterrupted and for a whole 7 days where we actually get to lay around with nothing on the agenda... well unless Aunt Brandee is around! Just kidding Bran!  Addie Blaire has even started to ask each spring when the beach trip is and so we have tried our best to make that happen each year.  This year it was more of a last minute trip that we planned with Bobo, Sharon, Aunt Brandee, Uncle Mark, Mason and Max.  It was our first time to get away together and we had a great time.  I can't say one thing that really stands out more than another but the fact that we all survived in a condo together for seven days is prove enough!!  
So welcome to the Bobo family vacation 2013..  life's a beach with these two!
It seemed we encountered much more traffic this year on the trip down and so it was a welcome sight to see the beach.  The girls and I threw off our shoes and a-lined it for the beach, pajamas and all!  Toes in the sand, hair in the wind...
we were definitely "flippin" excited to be there!
These are the smiles we had been waiting to see after a long and weary trip...

This picture although a wee bit out of order, is more for the kids one day.  I am pretty open when blogging but out of shear embarrassment for my child we will leave it at that.  I just needed to make sure this picture was included from our trip down.. the rest she can tell when she is older if she so chooses....oh, what a long, long trip!
After our trip to the beach the McCaslins arrived and before we all set out to dinner baby max needed a bite of his own.  Luckily, cousin Brit was more than happy to help out.  I think she enjoyed babying the baby more than anything else that week.
The next day we were ready to check out all the sights at our resort.  We stayed at The Beach Club and it was sooo nice.  It was full of activities and games for everyone.  AB and Mas even found some games that were just their size..
I never knew a game of checkers could be so intense between a 6 and 7 year old.
Guns blazing it was time to hit the beach.  These are the cool marshmallow guns that Sharon got the kids for the beach.  I think they would have enjoyed them even more if they hadn't eaten the ammunition before they ever had the chance to really try them out! They do look tough though..
Beach time.  I couldn't keep them from running straight to the water once we arrived so we have very few before pictures but lots of action shots. 

Sharon disappeared for a while that morning only to return with buckets and lots of water toys they were pretty excited to try out.
These three had it "made in the shade" especially little Max in his play pen made for the beach.  The cutest was when they would put water on his toes and he would squeal with delight.
That evening after pizza we had our first crab hunt.  Luckily, Pop and Nana had them prepared from last year's trip with their very own head gear.  It came in handy when mom swiped up the only crab we would catch that night.  Either we were a little under prepared or daddy and Uncle Mark weren't feeling it because mom was the only successful hunter that evening.
Day 2 - on the beach and ready for action.  Brit was giving us all a little exercise trying to keep up with her.
So happy I could just scream!!!

That evening after dinner the club house sponsored an activity for kids and families - a dive-in movie!  This was a first for us all but a must do now that we have been.  The kids loved getting to swim and eat popcorn at the same time.  Who wouldn't like wet soggy popcorn?!

The next morning the Bobo's plus Sharon went out for our 3rd annual dolphin cruise. This is the most fantastic cruise I have found... however, I guess I had bragged on it so that this particular day it took a wee bit longer to locate any dolphins.  I'm sure Sharon thought I was full of it for about the first 1 1/2 we were out there in the dead heat of the day, but luckily our patience payed off ....

and we got the show of a lifetime.  It really is so neat how these two boats create a wake and the dolphins coming flying out of nowhere just diving into the waves right before your eyes.

 Ready for some shade and a nice long nap... all five of us!
Peace, love and crabs from AB and Mason.
AB was even loving the beach so much she became one with the beach.  I can't believe to this day that she actually let us bury her.. brave little one she is because I certainly wouldn't have done it..
All free and ready for a rinse off!
Me with four of the cutest kids around!! 
And then you have the beach bums.. these two could not have soaked up more sun.  I guess like father like "sun!"
As you can probably tell by the blurriness of this picture I cropped so heavily (due to the fact that everyone in this picture would have killed me otherwise) we had a great time hanging out even if Aunt Brandee's toes never touched the water.. we at least have proof they touched the sand!
See, I told you a beach bum in the making.
This is the moment where I knew that just standing off to the side taking pictures wasn't going to cut it anymore.. yep, I was going in whether I liked it or not!
Just hanging out watching the waves with Bobo.
Little Brit enjoyed herself to the fullest!

A little back of the truck riding with Bobo one evening after dinner. They don't call it the "Redneck Rivera" for nothing so luckily we fit right in...
Mallory even came by to hang out with us for awhile and as you can see Addie Blaire was super excited to have her around.
Dinner at Tacky Jack's... looks like at least someone is excited.

Me and my girls!!

But can't leave out daddy's girls either.
It was the most beautiful sunset from the deck.  I loved this picture of the three of them holding hands that I caught as we were leaving out that night.
Pretty, pretty place.
The next morning Addie and Mason were at it again with tennis lessons.  They offered lessons each morning and the kids got to go a few times.  I think Addie Blaire really enjoyed it and the teacher was fantastic.  She actually started to get the hang of it before we left.  Made this momma proud because I used to love to play.

That afternoon they got to participate in a pool activity making spin art.  My kids both love crafts so all these were right up their alley.

The next afternoon it was sand candy, actually some pretty tasty stuff.
I told you that she just couldn't get enough of playing momma to baby Max. 
The next couple of pictures were taken while watching Sissie play tennis.  I just couldn't help myself because it maybe the last time I see one of my children wear a bubble romper.  I just love little romper outfits and I had to take some pictures of this little cutie so forgive me for a sec while I capture a moment of what will soon be history.. my baby girl is growing up!

The tennis star and her super fan!
Doesn't she look like a young Sharapova??
And another day another craft.. today on the schedule was painting sand dollars.
Just to top it off a cool Beach Club tie dyed shirt.  This was my favorite, I even had to have one myself.  Mostly because I waited in line for two hours so that they could make one and by the time I got to the front of the line I decided mom my just deserve one herself.

Beach ready!

Love that even though the lighting was bad on my camera that you still can't miss them.  They were practically glowing in the dark that day!

Then it was beach time and these girls loved riding the waves this year. Addie Blaire and Britann both screamed every time they caught a good one.

Addie Blaire actually caught several big waves that she was able to ride all the way in this year.

These two weren't giving up til they had tried them all.
We spent one evening at the Wharf having dinner and taking a ride on the ferris wheel.  As you can see I was the only one brave enough to ride with all the kiddos!

Getting ready for beach pictures.

The girls and Mallory.
 The whole crew...
Love my little family! (and love how I always seem to be gritting my teeth in photos lately, I think it is my attempt at saying look at the camera and then I end up being the one that looks like the dummy, go figure!)

The McCaslins

For some reason, I really can't explain Bobo thought it would make for a great beach picture to have everyone crying in the photo... as you can tell my little actress AB didn't have a problem playing the part! They really were having a good time, I promise.

Sweet kisses, we had done a photo similar to this with Addie Blaire several years ago so daddy wanted one with Brit Brit too.

All fed up with pictures, can't you tell!


These two really do love each other so much, they rarely fight or seem to get on each other's nerves.  I can't wait to see how close they become one day.  I just know how much that big sister looks after her little sis and in return how much little sis adores her big sister.  So glad they were blessed to have each other...

 Time for a little wardrobe change.. I had these little tutus forever and we never had a chance to try them out so with the promise of ice cream and a sprite the girls obliged me for a few more seconds.
Poor Brit, I don't know if you can tell in this picture but she had a big goose egg on her forehead. She fell out of a chair in the condo and landed straight on her forehead on the tile. It was pretty scary but as always she was a trooper and didn't let it stop her from enjoying the rest of the week.

but luckily these two found a way to amuse each other...

So goodbye beach, for at least another year.  But we will be back and I can't wait for the memories we will make next year.....