Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fall Fun...and lots of it!!!

For the first time in many many years the Rams beat Benton in Volleyball and these girls couldn't have been more excited!  what a way to finish junior year season!

And this girl got auctioned off for her her jersey to benefit Breast Cancer bidder, you guessed it was her dad!
HOemcoming parade for my girls..VB for B and Dance for AB

Senior Homecoming dance
Fall Festival for The CALL in Pike County and Nana made the trip with me!
Which one of these is not like the other with Wesley??? ha!
More fun fall pics with all the activities!!!

B's masterpiece!!!
And a little beach getaway for mom and dad!

My vball girl was really getting into it!

Twin day! Lots of Homecoming dress up fun!

 Junior Homecoming dance for this one!

state Volleyball tournament!

Supporting this sweet young lady I have grown to love and her honor !!!
Getting ready for Jr. High Dance with friends!

Halloween fun!

Six the Musical with my girls!

Aunt T even got in on the action...such a trooper through her treatment so proud of how she has kept her sense of humor through it all!

Celebrating the B day girl!
Dance Moms are ready for Halloween!

And a little Halloween work fun for mom too..ha!
Dolly Parton Party

And last dance comp for the win for these girls!!

And on to the next...the fun just keeps coming!

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