Well where should I start when it comes to our Christmas this year. First of all it went by all to fast for me. I always take these two weeks (well actually one, my company is so kind to give me the other) off from work so that I can be with Addie Blaire at Christmas time. I love getting this time to just hang out with her. It is the longest break I get all year so when it is over, like today as I am posting this I can't help but be a little sad. :( Anyways, I always try to fit as much in with her as I can, so this year was not different. We went to the movies for the first time, actually twice. We went with Griff first to see the "Princess and the Frog" and then again with Katie Ella to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks" both movies were really cute but I think Alvin kept her attention a little better. She got a little tired of the movie but never quit eating that popcorn!! I had even gotten a small one for us to split and she threw a fit when I dipped my hand in the bag, so needless to say i got one handful out of the whole bag!! Let's see, we also took the kids to Osaka, she had been before but was too small to remember so this time she couldn't stop talking about it. The man was great he was squirting water in their mouths and getting them to catch broccoli in their mouths that he was throwing across the table. Too Funny I only wish I had pictures of her face at that point. We also did lots of Christmas shopping, took cookies and presents to her friends and just hung out in bed! It was great but it is making it hard to get back in the swing of things now that I am back to work, oops! As for our Christmas it ended up a little differently then I expected. She woke up on Christmas eve running a fever, which was really weird considering she had been dancing and singing for my whole family the night before. She has started a new dance, we tell her to "get down" and she doesn't hold back ! Anyways, she had the fever so we ended up packing everything up in the car and taking her to the doctor. He said it must have just been some infection caused by all her coughing from the previous weeks. Well, after that was over we left with an antibiotic and went to my parents house. We just hung out all day with my family, my parents, sister and bro law, and grandmother. It was really nice, although I must say it wasn't the same because Mitch and I didn't get to go with the others to church that night for the Christmas eve service since Addie wasn't feeling well. That is by far my favorite Christmas memory is going to the candlelight service, I never miss it! But this year it meant so much more because I had my little girl to be with and her fever finally broke that evening and we were able to enjoy the rest of the night baking cookies and watching movies. Christmas day was spent with my family and then we went to Iron Mountain that night to see all the pretty lights. Saturday was spent in Hot Springs with "g" Pop and Nicki, Aunt Bran, Mark, Mason and Bobo. We got to open presents and hang out at the lake for awhile. We even got hang out with Travis and Natalie, which was nice. I know she reads the blog so by the way, you looked so precious with that little belly!!! All in all this was my favorite Christmas to date. I can't remember how long it has been since I was that excited on Christmas morning. She really had a great Christmas and got way more than she needed from everyone. I am still trying to find places to put it all. I guess everyone else thinks she is pretty special just like me!! Merry Christmas 09 Addie Blaire!
My mom got us the cutest aprons, mine says mommy and hers says "mommy's sugar and spice" so cute, thanks again mom. We decided to wear them to bake Santa's cookies. In case you can't tell it had been a rough day, I look like I am need of a mommy makeover big time!

Chocolate, stir that chocolate, chocolate! A little song Addie like to sing from Dora, she is quite the little helper in the kitchen.

She and my grandmother licking the beaters, I was jealous that is my favorite part too!

Addie Blaire got a precious pink piano and some necklaces from Santa. It is so funny because that is just what she had told Santa that she wanted only a few days earlier! He must be pretty quick on his toes to round that up so quickly??

The tricycle she got from mom and dad.

Trying out the piano, she is pretty good but she gets a little Jerry lee Lewis on us every once in awhile.

My sweet grandmother opening her presents. I was so glad that she was able to join us for the holidays. This was her first Christmas without my grandfather so I was so glad we were all together this year. I know that this was a tough time for her as it was for the rest of us, but we were able to reminisce about some great memories we had with Papaw. I know that I will cherish this time we have with her and the memories that she is able to share with Addie about her great grandfather will stay with her forever also.

Addie Blaire modeling her new pajamas that she got from Nana that match her Bitty baby, Lulu.

This is the Fisher Price barn she got from Nana and Pop, she loves to play with the one that was mine as a child and it just so happened that this was the 25th anniversary (now I feel old) for the set so Fisher price brought out a new and improved version this year. She got the school and barn with all the people so she now has a set for her house too.

My grandmother got her this Barbie, can you tell she was kind of in awe of it. She just kept saying "she's beautiful mommy."

Who can live without a Mrs. Potato head, thanks to Aunt T and Uncle B not Addie.

She loves to play doctor so now she had her very own bag to carry with her just in case someone get sick.

This is the Baby Alive that mom got her or at least Mitch won't take any credit for this one because he says only I could be crazy enough to buy her a doll that pees and poops all the time. I must admit I didn't realize that it would double the number of diapers I would have to change.

Mitch opening the boots I worked so hard to pick out for him that he obviously from the look on this face (yeah, he is the worst at faking a bad gift face) did not care for, it only took a matter of days before those were back on the shelf!

This needs no explanation, it is my beautiful two year old daughter holding the pink bee bee gun that her Pop decided she needed!!! What??? enough said, I guess like he said in about 6 years he will buy her the bee bees to go in it. What can I say I guess the man just got a little excited at Atwood's this year!

Watch out she is getting a little too comfortable holding this thing.

My aunt Bettye is over the library system in Little Rock and she always finds some cool books and puppets for Addie. This year she found Polar bear, Polar bear and even found a polar bear puppet to go with it. She now sleeps with it every night. She also gave her a dinosaur, Addie is pretty into those now too and she sleeps with it on the other side.

Entertaining the crowd, it's nice to be the only kid in the family sometimes, she never lacks for attention.

My two sweet cousins opening there presents. I only wish I lived closer because they are growing up so fast. I can't believe Lindsey is starting college next year, where does the time go?

Addie Blaire hanging out with Nicki.

"g" and the two grand kids hanging out at her new place. She has a really nice condo now that Brandee and I are helping her furnish for Christmas. It is going to be so fun to hang out at the lake this summer.

Pop, Mason, and Addie Blaire giving some love. Pop and Nicki give us "Santa sacks' each year so we couldn't wait to get our hands on ours this year. It is always full of toilet paper, paper towels, detergent, soap, cleaners, and lots of other handy items. Who could ask for a better gift.

Mark trying out his new video flip thing in the background. I am a little jealous about that I have to admit. Hint, hint to all those that read this for next year.

Mason and Addison taking a break, opening presents can be so much work. Addie Blaire was so glad to see him she had been waiting all day for him to get there.

Her new walkie talkies from "g". It will make hide and seek so much more fun now.

Ice cream cones for her kitchen from Bobo.

Bobo also got her several pairs of heels and a whole dress up outfit that she likes to wear.

Addie and Griff at the movies getting there popcorn and Sprite.

New Year's day with Chad and Molly in Memphis. Thanks to Chad we even got a free meal and hotel, which made it even better! We went to the Arkansas game and had a great time getting to hang out with friends. The game was so so, considering it was pretty uneventful and unbelievably cold. We did get to sleep in both mornings though which was my favorite part, sad I know but true!

Nathan and Stacy

Mark and Lesa

Mitch and I... I wore so many clothes because Mitch said he didn't want to hear me complain. I had two pairs of socks, layers of clothes and even two hats on my head. I must say though it paid off because no complaints were uttered the whole game, and that is a tough thing for me!