Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas 2013

I have decided that tonight is the night.  I will complete this post.. I will complete this post...  I have decided now that it is March it is time to finish this post.  
We had such a great Christmas this year.  I can honestly say it was my favorite thus far with both the girls.  We had such a good time with all our family and friends.  We started out the weekend with our annual stop to Garvin Gardens.  I look forward to taking the girls there every year.  I just love Christmas time and the lights and hot chocolate just really are my two favorite things.  I can remember as a kid riding around looking at lights with my family.  It was something I loved more than almost anything we did during the season.   Garvin Gardens would have been a dream come true to me at that age, but even though I have grown up going there each year makes me feel like that kid again.  It is so neat because I see in in my daughter's eyes now....
We have to check out the cool train each year.
But not before we get our hot chocolate.  The girls loved it...and loved it every single cup they kept going back for more.
these apples don't fall far from the tree because mom was right there with them!
Britann could barely walk around because she was so busy trying to walk and drink and the drinking took priority over the walking.
Happy Holiday and Cheers to a good year!

The addition this year of the musical tree was so awesome.  The girls were mesmerized.
I just am in awe of how long this must take them when you look at each tree filled with lights it is truly spectacular.
The next day we went to spend time with Nana, Pop, Aunt T, Uncle B and Lila.  We started the afternoon off by trying to decorate our gingerbread house.  Poor AB had plenty of help from the little ones.
The finished project...
After that it was such a nice afternoon that we all went outside to play.  Well Aunt T and I being the gymnast we are decided we would show AB the perfect kart wheel.  The reason you won't see a picture of my abilities is because in the process of making sure I was in perfect form I forgot one key thing.. to tuck in my shirt.  Soooo everyone got a good peek at ole Jill in rare form (a little more to that story but I have to be a little modest okay).  Anyways, after we had laughed so hard about the show I had put on Aunt T gave it a try and as you can see she forgot one key thing as well check the ground area first.  Yep she landed right in a pile of good ole doggie doodoo! Needless to say AB is better off without our help I think!
Three little cowgirls.  OH, that Nana and Pop just can't get enough of Atwood's!
AB got her very first sewing machine.  I just hope someone knows how to help her cause that is not mom's strong suit.
After we opened one gift each, its a rule.  We ended up with a game of Twister between the fam.  As you can see, Nana still has some skills.
I thought dad did too, that is until as you can see he split his pants!!  Poor thing he couldn't move without splitting them again and again.  What a trooper
All the girls plopped down for a snack with Pop on the couch.
Then Nana read a bedtime story and we were off to bed to await what the morning held
 Brit loved her stocking but the apple was her favorite part. 
Aunt T got AB her very own castle. 
Brit (apple still in hand) got her own little house and people just like Nana had at her house.
For breakfast we had donut snowmen!  They were a huge hit with all the girls!
Grandma Bass hadn't been feeling well so we went by to see her and hang out for awhile.  We even got to exchange presents outside because it was such beautiful weather.  T
After lunch we headed back because it was Christmas Eve and we were to spend that time this year in Hope.  We have a tradition with the Bobo side of the family to have dinner and a gift exchange with everyone.  Well this year the dinner was at the Bobo's so we were excited to get to host everyone to our house this year.  I love having everyone gathered together and this year having them all at our house was really special.  This was the first year we were without a key member, Mamaw Bobo.  I knew this would be a tough holiday for everyone so I tried to do something a little special for everyone to remember her by.  I made every family member an ornament.  I have some from a friend that were given to me after my grandmother passed away and so I made the same ones for them. It is a glass ornament filled with rose petals and baby breath from her funeral.  I took several flowers and dried them out and filled them in these ornaments.  I think they turned out so beautiful and I think everyone really seemed to be grateful for that little rem9inder we will all have each year of her. 
The girls opening their bingo gifts.
All the girl cousins together....
As everyone was getting ready to leave we made sure to sprinkle all our reindeer food on to the lawn to make sure Rudolph and friends were good and full when they left our house!
Britann's gifts that Santa left under the tree...
AB's gifts from Santa.
She really loved her house that Santa brought (she had asked Santa for a watch and crafts) after all it was the biggest craft he could probably find.

Britann wasn't sure what to think but loved her stroller for all her babies!

 AB modeling her new necklace!
This was one of dad's presents that we got him this year for his office.
After our family had opened presents, G, Nikki, Pop, Mason, Brandee, Mark, and Max all came over for lunch.  We were getting ready for the snow that was to come so we warmed up with a little soup and hot sandwiches.  It was delicious.  The kiddos opened presents from G.  They older ones got their very own boombox!
All the grands with "G"
Brit got her very own doodle pad.
That afternoon the kids and I tried out AB's new game Fibber.  Don't you just love the cool glasses!
And then came the snow... and more snow... and more snow!  A White Christmas!!  How awesome is that!
That night we went over to Bobo's house for dinner and gifts.  The kids all got there very own gumball machine. 
Brit got a baby bed and high chair for her babies. They will be hooked up now!
Addie Blaire got her very own Ipad mini.  She has put that to good use ever since!
All the grands with Bobo and Mrs. Sharon.
The next day because the weather was so bad and Little Rock was hit so hard we had guests for the next few days.  Mason and Max got to stay with us for the next couple of days because they were out of electricity.  We had fun playing in the snow and just hanging out. 
The Maneth's helped to make the coolest snowman our neighborhood has seen.  Well maybe cause it was the only one but it really was pretty cool.
Little Brit decided after a while it wasn't so scary after all.
Brit did plenty of babysitting for baby Max.  She was a big "helper" to Aunt Bran.
The house all covered in snow... so pretty
Snuggles with cousins are the best! 
WE finished our gift exchanging at Nikki and Pop's later that week with one of the best presents we get each year "the Santa sacks" filled with tissue and cleaning supplies and such!  A favorite of mom and dad's for sure.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! I know that is where I am headed right now!!